Wednesday, June 9, 2010

36 Weeks

I think I have run out of room....I can't eat, can 't sleep. I am so looking forward to meeting this little one. It's 3 am and I am heading to bed. Lots of nesting happened tonight. We'll just finishing up projects. I took this photo last night. Violet is getting cuter everyday. I recently introduced her to the old Shirley Temple movies. She loves them and has even started acting like her. So much better than Disney flicks. Happy Wednesday!


Kelly said...

Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping at all. You are almost there!! I remember running out of room too. Hang in there! Love the photo of Violet - so darned cute!

Sarah MP said...

I hear ya mama! I'm 35 weeks and just don't know where this baby is going to go!

Found you on DS!

Karli K. said...

This is a Fabulous picture!! :D I love it! Gorgeous curls!

Hang in there :) You'll get to meet the new little one soon enough!

sunkist33 said...

Love it!


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